FDU's three-year clinical program helped me in the hospital post- graduation.
A lot of schools in the area only have two years of clinical and I found, once I was a nurse, I was willing to go into the room to take the extra step, and to really put myself out there compared to my colleagues.
Also, it really helped with networking.
It gave me an extra year to get acclimated to the hospitals to getting to know the staff, getting to know the doctors and nurses that helped me post-graduation.
Another reason why I chose FDU was because of the great scholarship I was given.
I think the faculty at FDU is my favorite part of the nursing program.
I still have a really great relationship and email and in the hospital.
I see some of my professors that I had, and the support was outstanding.
I mean-- It was so comforting to know that after clinical or after a bad day and lecture like you can go to someone, and they will completely understand what you're struggling with, and how to help now four years later-- I'm exactly where I want to be.